Knowledge in LOGIC CIRCUIT


Till now we studied the logic circuits whose outputs at any instant of time depend only on the input signals present at that time are known as combinational circuits. Moreover, in a combinational circuit, the output appears immediately for a change in input, except for the propagation delay through circuit gates. On the other hand, the logic circuits whose outputs at any instant of time depend on the present inputs as well as on the past outputs are called sequential circuits. In sequential circuits, the output signals are fed back to the input side. A block diagram of a sequential circuit is shown in Figure below:- It consists of a combinational circuit to which storage elements are connected to form a feedback path. The storage elements are devices capable of storing binary information. The binary information stored in these elements at any given time defines the state of the sequential circuit at that time. The sequential circuit receives binary information from external inputs that, together with the present state of the storage elements, determine the binary value of the outputs. These external inputs also determine the condition for changing the state in the storage elements. The block diagram demonstrates that the outputs in a sequential circuit are a function not only of the inputs, but also of the present state of the storage elements. The next state of the storage elements is also a function of external inputs and the present state. Thus, a sequential circuit is specified by a time sequence of inputs, outputs, and internal states. There are two types of sequential circuits, and their classification is a function of the timing of their signals

Digital Electronics Ch-3

Concepts of digital circuit and logic design, Theorem of boolean algebra. AND law, OR law, De Morgan's Law. Principle of duality, inverse theorem, Universal gates using NAND and NOR gates. Sum Of Products form and Product Of Sum Form.