Akash Saraswat

Student at Shaheed Bhagat Singh evening college

AI for engineering

This question is of AI for engineering btech.

Theory of machine

This PDF contains the question paper of theory of machine.

Data Analytics

This is the question paper of data analytics.

Basic electrical ENGG

This PDF contains the question paper of basic electrical engineering.

Basic electrical engineering

This above given PDF contains the question paper of basic electrical engineering.

Basic of data base management

This question paper is of basics of data base management. This question is very much helpful for the engineering students.

Big data

This above given PDF contains the question paper of big data. This question paper is mainly for the students of engineering.

Computer based numerical techniques

This question paper is of numerical based techniques.

Sample paper economics

Sample paper economics class 12 boards

Practice questions of determination and income

This PDF contains various questions on the chapter determination of income which is very much helpful for the student for there practice.

Accountancy term1 boards

This is the question paper of accounts in MCQ form which will be very much helpful for the students for practice the question in less time.

Determination of income and employment

This above givan PDF is of the chapter determination of income and employment which is very much important chapter in respect to the boards.