Akash Saraswat

Student at Shaheed Bhagat Singh evening college


These are the notes of array which includes the following topics:- 1-categories of array 2-general form of 2d array

Web technology

The above giving PDF is of web technology which includes the following topics :- 1 web container 2- deployment descriptor 3- HTML

General oops concept

These are the notes of general oops concept which include the following topics:- 1-procedure or mudular programming 2-object oriented program 3-Basic concept of oops 4- modulering

Hypertext pre processor program

Notes of computer subject of class 12

Number system class 9

These are the notes of number system:- 1- data representation 2-binary number system 3-decimal number system

Getting started with C++

This about giving PDF is of getting started with the c++ which include the following topics:- 1-rules of defining identifiers 2-puntuators 3- operators 4-Conitional operator

Business ethics and social responsibilities b.com

This given PPT of Business ethics in social responsibilities includes different topics such as:- 1-social responsibility 2-social undesirable things 3-area of responsibility 4-responsibility to the general public 5-responsibility to the coustomer 6- responsibility to employees 7- responsibility to investor 8- NABARD,Bank of India BPCL 9-Genesis of ethics 10 - social factor

Universal human values and ethics

This above givan PPT is question paper of human ethics and values which will healthy students who are appearing Hindi exams this chapter is also come to study in class 10th and below the class 10th and also the chapters are covered in the graduation part.

Data structure

These are the question on data structure which will be very much helpful while preparing for the exams.

Deep Q learning

This PPT is very much important for those students who are doing engineering. This chapter contains following topics :- 1-Generalizing with deep learning 2-Q-learning 3-original Q-learning 4- Experience replay

Organizing B.com semester 1 Business organisation and management

The give PDF is of organizing chapter of business organisation and management b.com sme 1 which includes the following topics:- 1-organising 2- organisational structure 3-importance 4- steps in organising

Business organisation and management Delhi University semester 1

This is the question paper of business organisation and management which will help the students of 1 semester who are appearing in upcoming exams.