Knowledge in computer graphics notes

Computer Graphics Numerical

Computer graphics numericals with explanations. video link-

Computer graphics - Transformation examples

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and examples related to computer graphics regarding transformation problems.You will be able to learn how to use in daily life

Computer graphics-Raster Scan Systems

Here we learn about some of the concepts of Computer Graphics : Raster Scan Systems Video Controller Some of operations can be performed by the Video Controller: Refreshing operation Transformation (Areas of the screen can be enlarged, reduces, or moved during the refresh cycles) Random Scan Systems

Computer Graphics-Circle Generation Algorithms

Here we learn about some of the concepts of Computer Graphics: Circle Generation Algorithms The equation of a circle The spacing between plotted pixel positions is not uniform. Midpoint Circle Algorithm Plot pixel and much more

Computer Graphics-Ellipse Generating Algorithm

Here we learn about some of the concepts of Computer Graphics: Ellipse Generating Algorithm Ellipse – an elongated circle. Symmetry Equation of an ellipse Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm and much more

Notes for Computer Graphics Unit-1 for Engineering Students

As this is the very first unit for Computer Graphics so these notes will cover all the basic concepts like types of computer graphics, graphic displays - Random scan displays , Raster scan displays , Frame buffer and video controller , points and lines , line drawing algorithms , circle generating algorithm , Mid-point circle generating algorithm , and parallel version of these algorithms . So if you go through these notes then i can assure you that you doesn't face any problem and these notes also helps to the GATE aspirants to prepare for the exam as these notes covers the every single topic according to the university. And also if someone does not like to give the GATE exam then there is no worry because regular university student can also go through the notes and can prepare for the university exams too and can easily achieve good marks. And also I can assured you that these notes are the detailed notes like all the topics are explained in detail and you do not have to look for the notes anywhere else.

Notes for Computer Graphics of Unit-2 part 1 for Engineering Students

As these are hand written notes so there is no issue of understanding that because the notes are written in simple language so that you can understand it well . These notes covers some basic and important concepts for university and for GATE exam as well . These notes covers the topics like transformation (What is transformation and all that) , Basic transformation , Matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates , composite Transformation , Reflections and shearing and all about these topics in detailed like these topics are explained in a detailed way so that you do not face any kind of problem . These notes help you to prepare for GATE and for universities exams as well . And also one thing I can assured you that if you go through the notes then every topic will going to be crystal clear to you.