Prince S. Malav

Full stack Web Developer , Data Analyst

Data Analyst at Hindustan Zinc Limited

Studied at UCET Bikaner

Studied at Navdeep Senior Sec. School

Skilled in Python Development, Web Development, Database Administration

Certified in Data Analysis

Data Manipulation Language Statements - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic Data Manipulation Language Statements - SQL full notes . This is a part of SQL notes.

Data Definition Language Statements - SQL Full notes

This PDF is on topic Data Definition Language Statements - SQL Full notes . This is a part of SQL notes.

Advnace SQL - SQl full notes

This PDF is on topic Advnace SQL - SQl full notes . This is a part of SQL notes.

Data Query Language Statements - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic Data Query Language Statements - SQL full notes. This is a part of SQL notes.

Transactional Control Commands - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic Transactional Control Commands - SQL full notes . This is a part of SQL notes.

Enhancing Database Designs - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic Enhancing Database Designs - SQL full notes . This is a part of SQL notes.

Database Views - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic Database Views - SQL full notes. This is a part of SQL notes.

The SQL Structure - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic The SQL Structure - SQL full notes. This is a part of SQL notes.

Data Types - SQL full notes

This PDF is on topic Data Types - SQL full notes . This is a part of SQL notes.

Type of database and Its user

This PDF Contains basics of Type of database and Its user

Database Architecture - Database System

This PDF Contains basics of Database Architecture in Database Systems.

E-R model with data modeling

This PDF Contains basics of E-R model with data modeling in database systems.